Sunday 22 June 2008


Artist: Fauxliage




   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 11

In 2001 the Canadian ambient pop band Delerium (Bill Leeb and Rhys Fulber), placid reeling from the success of their Sarah McLachlan collaboration on the song "Silence," released Verse form, an album on which every track had a invitee singer. One of the contributors was Sixpence None the Richer's Leigh Nash, whose piece, "Innocente," over up existence the record's exclusive. Nash too added her vocals to 2 more than songs on 2003's Chimaera, "Eye socket of Me" and "Run for It." This cemented the idea that a project should be chased, and in 2007 Nash, Fulber, and Leeb, under the identify Fauxliage, released their self-titled full-length on Nettwerk Records.